Thursday, 2 April 2009


ok its friggin latee.who's still awake tym2 camni?gaha,kwan ku saja tu!tekajut ku.she writes something on my cbox haha..nda payah ku mention namanya u noe who u and and im still was 2.45 x but i still dun wanna sleep at the same time i dono what to do.kurik hidung saja kali *nikmat HAHA..and its because im still sick,hidung tersumbat!..and aku dngankan si hanie o9 dri kul 12 smpai kul that time ea dhspital.talur ne anak aa adaka di tahannya sakit parut.biar ea gulik2 di katil haha.she sen me some pictures of her through msn p nda mau buka majal lagi tu den ea try sen arah my fone alhmduliah mau. i thought nda mau ;p..
1st pic atu buat ku ketwa!i laugh until my tears come out!gila sakit parut ku,sakit2 nya beposing HAHA..ea tex *kan mati usul ku pose atu,Haha

i edited this picture , with cs 3 photoshop pakai sumi-e,haha complete ku bagitau aa..cos I didn't want to embarrass her .she told me NOT to put this on my blog but heheh yeahhh i did ^_^v
YEAH LIVERPOOL.. cam apa tnganya a baik nyanyi nasyid tarus ko disana!haha sbnrnya ea kan showoff baju saja tu dur~HAHA

Sian yata yg ea kajar2 ne haha

She tex me EARLY this morning And thats why i woke up early for the first time in my life Can you believe that?!haha labih aku a. .just kan bagitau ea balik dah.and gtau ea kurang AIR and vitamin.and ea ckap kan wanted doktor kaling atu xD.Pora~ racist banar! ok i write this because its cute haha and i want to show this to my friends ANA.LYL and ASYRAF. Ana suruh aku simpan arah FB haha.mengamuk krang yaa. and ths LITTLE GIRL always makes me laugh!!I LIKE HER!! p/s as a friend! im straight!! ui hanie! you make me LAUGH thank you thank you .. and ada tym atu suruhnya aku melihat cerita DORA THE EXPLORER..and suruh nya g lyat wonder pets.and nyanyi sama2 gila sakit parut ku.and minta balikan cdnya patku, satu g si lyl ada bgitau si hanie ne tym drestaurant malu2.. p mayonise HABIS dmakanya HAHA gila pacah parut ku ey!! minta balikan susu DUTCH LADY lagi tu hahah mati2.. And ea baru msg aku ne..bgitau si lyl balikan ea susu dutch lady kutak basar sama kerupuk haha.kanak2 banr anak ani! xD atu pun dibagitaunya abiskan crdt saja..To hanie,ana,lyl,asyraf.if kamu baca ani please write something on my cbox.spaya aku tau kamu baca hehe

ok end of story